About Us

Fitme = PAAVO and Noora

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FitMe Coaching Paavo ja Noora
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FitMe Online Coaching

FitMe is a coaching service founded in 2024 and is behind the sports and expert Noora and Paavo.

Our mission is to motivate you to exercise and enjoy the joy of exercise. Our goal is to help you discover physical activity and its benefits. We want to help you develop yourself as an athlete, improve your health and well-being, and achieve your goals. With our help, you will have the opportunity to learn new things, develop in a variety of ways and realize that you are everywhere!

Why Fitme?

We offer a comprehensive range of services to help you achieve your personal fitness and wellness goals:

  • Ready-made workout programs and diets: Practical and versatile programs designed with professionalism and solid experience. The range of programs is very comprehensive and there is a ready-made training program or diet suitable for everyone, from beginners to more experienced trainers. The programs support you with an easy-to-use mobile application that makes it easy for you to implement the program.
  • Personal Online Coaching: A training program and diet tailored to your needs, as well as personalized support and guidance. We will always be there for you, wherever you are.
  • Gym Controls: Professional gym training guidance so you can work out safely and effectively.

Our coaching philosophy is based on individuality, diversity and continuous learning. We want you to feel energized and motivated every day.

miksi fitme paavo ja noora
fitme tarina ja meistä

Together Towards a Stronger You!

Join FitMe Online Coaching trainers and experience how exercise can bring joy and energy to your everyday life! We offer versatile and powerful tools to help you achieve your goals.

We are here to help you every step of the way.

“Exercise is a pleasure, not an obligation”

It's your time to unleash all the potential of yourself. I'm sure you'll be surprised at what you can do. The best time to start is now! Feel stronger and healthier tomorrow.

Noora Paukku

Moikka, olen Noora, espoolainen ilopilleri joka rakastaa urheilua ja itsensä haastamista. Siksi ne ovat aina olleet lähellä sydäntäni. Oman osaamiseni karttuessa olen myös ryhtynyt auttamaan muitakin heidän tavoitteidensa saavuttamisessa.Hi, I'm Noora. I am a happy person from Espoo who loves sports and challenging myself. That's why they've always been close to my heart. As I gained my own expertise, I also began to help others achieve their goals.


Ihmisten kanssa toimiminen on ollut aina minulle luontevaa ja siksi nautin muiden auttamisesta sekä tukemisesta ja mikä hienointa nautin myös muiden onnistumisista. Uskon, että jokainen ansaitsee mahdollisuuden kehittyä ja löytää oma potentiaalinsa ja siksi olen auttamassa ja tukemassa sinua matkassasi.

Oma urheilutaustani on opettanut minulle sitkeyttä ja päättäväisyyttä joita olen hyödyntänyt myös arjessani. Valmentajana olen lämminsydämisyyden lisäksi myös tiukka. Tiukkuudella tarkoitan, että haastan sinua jatkuvasti sillä vain näin saavutat tavoitteesi.


Elämäni aikana olen harrastanut erilaisia lajeja kuten salibandya, esteratsastusta sekä nyt viimeisempänä bikini fitnessiä. Aktiivisesti olen kisannut bikini fitneksessä vuodesta 2018 aina tähän päivään asti. Isoimpina saavutuksina mainittakoon Pohjoismaiden mestaruus, Suomen mestaruus sekä Euroopan mestaruus kisoissa 6.sija.

Olen urheilijana kurinalainen, kun päätän johonkin ryhtyä niin teen asiat pilkun tarkasti mutta silti rennoin mielin. Tämä johdosta olen saavuttanut onnistumisia tavoitteissani ja silti harjoittelu on tuntunut hauskalta.


Kilpaurheilun myötä minulle on karttunut vahvaa osaamista urheilusta. Jaamme myös Paavon kanssa paljon ajatuksia treenaamisesta joka osaltaan monipuolistaa tietopankkiamme ja auttaa ohjaamaan ihmisiä kohti terveellisempää elämää.

Omien lajien ja kokemuksen myötä tiedän tarkalleen mitä ja miten kannattaa harjoitella. Vuosien aikana olen itse oppinut erilaisia tapoja joiden avulla treenit saa uudelle tasolle. Kilpaurheilun myötä minulla on vahva kokemus niin lihaksen kasvatuksesta kuin diettiin tarvittavasta ravinnosta. Oli urheilulaji mikä tahansa - on ravintopuoli kaiken a ja o.

Takaan Valmennusympäristön, jossa jokainen tuntee olonsa turvalliseksi ja motivoituneeksi sillä vain näin voimme yhdessä saavuttaa juuri sinun tavoitteesi! Vaikka puhutaan yksilölajista on tärkeässä roolissa myös yhteisö jossa jaamme ilot ja surut yhdessä.

"Pystyt mihin vain - se vaatii vain päätä, töitä ja FitMe:n tukea!"
Noora Paukku Personal Trainer
Paavo Kyrö Personal Trainer

Paavo Kyrö

Welcome to meet Paavo, a coach who not only guides, but lives and breathes exercise and the goals of his coaches

Hi! I'm Paavo, a passionate and energetic gym coach from Espoo. Sports madness is a way of life for me, and working out has been a big part of my everyday life for as long as I can remember. Even when I was little, balls and ball games interested me more than toys, and running after a ball has become half my life. I am constantly interested in learning more about training, nutrition and my own body, and I share this knowledge with great heart and passion with those I coach.

Sports career

I have been playing football and handball for many years very competitively. Brazilian jiu-jitsu has also become familiar. In addition to these sports, I have tried all kinds of sports. Nowadays, my training is focused on the gym and in the summer I jog diligently.

I've raced in Men's Physique and had good success. Sports and exercise are a great love and passion for me — I live a so-called fitness life where workouts, food and other lifestyle choices go hand in hand.

Education and experience

I'm a trained gym coach, but more importantly, I have over 15 years of experience working out and nutrition. I've tried all sorts of workout styles, movements and diets, and learned what works and what doesn't. So I've been a test rabbit myself and always will be, because I believe that it's only by doing and experimenting that you can really learn and really understand things.

I have always helped my friends and acquaintances by making them exercise programs and diets, as well as giving tips and advice. From their mouths I often heard: “You should start coaching” and this is what we have come to now. In 2023, I officially started working as a coach, and most of my work is personal guidance.

I own a gym where I get to realize my greatest passion — helping and motivating people to find the joy of exercise and become healthier and better versions of themselves.

Coaching philosophy

I want to help you achieve your goals, motivate you and help you find the most suitable ways to exercise and implement nutrition for yourself. The most amazing thing about me is seeing a spark in a person for exercise and seeing people's pride in their own doing and their bodies. That's what motivates me to coach and help.

My goal is to teach you everything necessary so that you no longer need me. I believe that with curiosity and continuous learning, I will develop as a coach constantly. This is why I always consider myself a student when it comes to exercise, exercise and nutrition. This way, by remaining open to not knowing everything, I can learn something new from everyone.

“Life is about continuous learning—both in and out of the gym.”

I am here to help you on your journey towards your goals. Feel free to contact us and let's go together! Contact is not bound by anything, and together we can find the most suitable way for you to achieve your goals.

Contact us

Feel free to send a message. You can also email us at info@fitme-coaching.fi.

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Fitme Paavo ja Noora