Muscle Growth Diet
Training programs

Muscle Growth Diet


Immediately available, immediate delivery

Do you want to grow muscle mass qualitatively and efficiently without unnecessary fat accumulation? Are you looking for a nutrition program that is designed to support muscle growth over the long term and is easy to follow? The Muscle+ nutrition program is the answer to your needs!

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The store will open soon. This box will be replaced by a link to the Step2Fit store, as soon as Step2Fit gets the store open.
More from the meat
12 weeks
All Levels
Suitable for
For everybody

The Muscle+ Nutrition program is specifically designed to increase muscle mass. This is not some “pig bulk” program, the program focuses on quality mass gain. With the program, you will receive the nutrients you need so that your muscles can grow efficiently and healthily. You can follow the nutrition program for as long as you want, but it is recommended to get the Muscle+ nutrition program in the upper weight category when you reach the upper weight category. It is versatile and includes healthy and nutritious meals without any of the fuss additive “bombs” such as protein bars or protein puddings, but all meals are designed to support your health and well-being. without unnecessary additives

Muscle+ is built from high quality ingredients. It is very versatile and includes healthy and nutritious meals without any nonsense additive “bombs” such as protein bars or protein puddings, but all meals are designed to support your health and well-being, without unnecessary additives. Each meal has a very comprehensive selection option so that the nutrition program is guaranteed not to become boring at any point. In addition, it is also possible to implement each meal in a vegetarian version.

To complete the nutrition program, you only need a kitchen scale, as well as commitment.

For the best of your muscles

Everything is pre-thought out for you and your muscles. This nutrition program is designed to maximize muscle growth. So all you have to do is get a Muscle+ program, start feeding your muscles and watch as they grow.

When you purchase the program, you get access to a 15-week mobile app that includes a nutrition program. In the application, you can track your progress, mark the waist circumference measure, as well as the morning weight. The application also has all the detailed instructions and materials available for download in pdf format.

What else are you wondering?!

Do you really want to challenge your body and see significant changes? The Muscle+ nutrition program is for you who want to grow meat efficiently and healthily. When you commit to this program, you will get results that are visible and felt. Join us and start your journey towards a stronger and more muscular self today!

  • Duration 12 weeks (You can implement as long as you want)
  • Muscle Mass Growth Nutrition Program
  • Extremely versatile
  • Can be done veganically
  • Suitable for everyone
  • Mobile app (15 weeks of access)
  • Downloadable materials in pdf
puhelin kehys


I went to get help through FitMe (Paavo) to develop support muscles to make my work easier. I got help and at the same time I got so excited about the gym so much that it is part of every day of everyday life now. And I don't regret my decision because my work has become easier and I feel much better in every way.


Stone Man

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Take a step towards the next round today.

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Osta Ohjelma
Kauppa aukeaa pian. Tämän laatikon tilalle tulee linkki Step2Fit kauppaan, heti kun Step2Fit saa kaupan auki.
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The program includes

The program includes everything you need to grow your muscles, without unnecessary additives.

  • 12-week nutrition program
  • Varied and healthy meals
  • Vegetarian versions of all meals
  • Mobile app access (15 weeks)
  • Downloadable materials in pdf
Program Designer

Noora Paukku

I'm Noora, a bikini fitness enthusiast and sports lover. With my background in competitive sports, my skills are strong. For me, helping people is very close to my heart, which is why I am helping you to achieve your goals.
Bikini Fitness
Finnish Championship 2020 & 2019
Nordic Championship 2022
European Championship 6th place 2022
Program Designer

Paavo Kyrö

Moro, I'm SpongeBob! I live and breathe sports and have over 15 years of experience in gym training and nutrition. It's wonderful to share proven methods and see how people get excited about exercise and achieve their goals.
Program designers

Noora and Paavo

Our mission is to motivate you to exercise and enjoy the joy of exercise. Our goal is to help you discover physical activity and its benefits. We want to help you develop yourself as an athlete, improve your health and well-being, and achieve your goals.


The program focuses on diet, but muscles do not grow without training.

At your own risk

This is a ready-made program that is carried out independently. Unfortunately, we cannot help and advise you at every turn. Accordingly, you implement the program at your own risk.

Starting with the app

Deploying to the app is easy and quick. Below are the steps for the implementation of the application.

1. Select the program and click on the “buy program” button
2. Make an account and pay for the program in the Step2Fit store
3. Download the Step2Fit app and log in
4. Show me who's boss!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few common questions and answers.

How does the Step2Fit app work?

The application is very easy to use. As coaches, we give you access to get there. The app makes keeping track of workouts, diets and results very easy.

Can I run the prep program correctly?

I'm sure you can. Each program contains clear instructions with motion videos and images.

Do programs get downloaded/printed?

Yes you will. The materials of each program are available for download in pdf format.

Can anyone buy the program?

Of course it can. We have a wide range of programs for both the beginner and the more experienced. Everyone always runs programs at their own risk.

Are there ongoing expenses in the program?

It's not. Almost all prepaid programs are currently single-charge and only in-person online coaching and BASIC prep programs are on a continuous monthly fee basis.

Payment methods and exercise vouchers?

The programs are purchased through the Step2Fit store and there the payment broker Paytrail operates.

Traditional payment methods:
Most common payment cards, Finnish online banks, MobilePay

Sport and culture vouchers:

After the program

Even if the program ends in due course, it is not worth stopping the exercise. We hope that taking care of your body and mind will become part of your way of life. If we get to continue to be a part of your journey, then of course we are excited about it!

The graduate program is not mandatory!
Of course, you can download the programs you buy and your own information from the app and continue working out as you see fit.
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